martedì 31 dicembre 2019

Happy New Year balance !

Following a Kisi survey, these are work-life balance rankings concerning Year 2019:


In San Diego employees arrive earlier then other cities, 8.09.
Hong Kong and Washington 10.30, Berlin 9.53.

Who is working less per week are the Oslo citizens with 38.9 hrs instead of Malaysia where employees work 46 hrs.

Where is requested more extra-hours? Singapore, where 23% of workers are doing more than 48 hrs per week.

Helsinki and Paris are gaining 30 vacation days per year, U.S. only 10, Singapore and Hong Kong 7 days per year.

To arrive office in Tokyo you'll need 51 minutes avg.
São Paulo almost 48 minutes.
Paris 44 and Milan 35.

Most gender equality and LGBT friendly cities are Stockholm, Toronto, London, Barcelona and Vancouver.

Best free pollutants cities are Seattle, Boston, Ottawa, Portland, Denver, Miami and Stockholm. Worst are Milan, L.A., Honk Kong and Kuala Lumpur.

And finally, where people are happiest most: Helsinki !